A Season for Fresh Starts

In the last few weeks you may have reached the end of your annual round of home and garden spring cleaning.  But when your garden is submerged under a thicket of brambles and you lack the tools to hack your way through, or means of rubbish disposal, it can be overwhelming and the space can become permanently unusable.

To enable Gary* to return home after his long stay in hospital recovering from a breakdown when his carer Dad moved into a nursing home, Besom had already started supplying some essential furniture.  But Gary’s Social Worker knew that as a Vulnerable Adult, his mental health would be impacted by returning home to a huge task which he had no way of achieving, and being unable to sit outside would exacerbate the challenge he faced of now living alone.  The Social Worker consulted Besom about garden clearance during the lockdown period, and we decided we could safely go ahead.  We prayed for God to supply pairs of time-givers, to take it in turns to clear the brambles and it was completed in March.  Since then, a financial gift designated to support Vulnerable Adults has been offered, and this gives us an opportunity for a further ‘make-over’ project for some new time-givers to come forward to beautify and create a low-maintenance garden. 

(*name changed)